Do you need surgical removal of eights? Or do you need to replace lost teeth with dental implants?
At Milanova® Clinic we offer a wide range of surgical services such as:
- removal (extractions) of teeth, including wisdom teeth, permanent teeth and milk teeth that are damaged, infected or in the wrong position;
- placement of dental implants to replace lost teeth;
- apex resections of tooth roots;
- treatment of periodontal disease.
We use state-of-the-art equipment, including diagnostic imaging equipment, which allows us to provide fast and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. We make sure that every patient feels comfortable and safe with us and that treatments are carried out in a pain-free manner.
Teeth removal (extractions) Wrocław? Bet on the best!
Tooth extraction (colloquially tooth extraction) is a surgical procedure to completely remove a tooth from its socket. In the case of many dental problems, it is a last resort, but is often a necessity and is the only way to get rid of the ailment.
What does tooth extraction involve?
- The first step is a dental consultation, during which we diagnose the problem, individually adjust the treatment method and set a date for the procedure.
- The treatment begins with the administration of local anaesthesia. The surgeon then cuts the gums and removes the tooth from the socket. Finally, he or she applies stitches.
- We give you detailed post-operative instructions so that you will know how to care for the wound after tooth extraction so that it heals well and no infection develops.
When do we carry out a surgical tooth extraction? Indications include:
- Advanced caries that has destroyed the tooth including the root,
- Extensive damage to the tooth,
- Preparation for orthodontic treatment.
We also carry out surgical removal of eights (including extraction of a retained tooth), which is a necessity in many people. Wisdom tooth removal may be necessary when:
- there is a lack of space in the mouth;
- wisdom teeth grow in the wrong direction and cause pain, discomfort and inflammation of the gums;
- decay or infection develops;
- they affect the bite and cause misalignment of other teeth;
- removal of eights is part of an orthodontic treatment plan.
Surgical tooth extraction in our office is performed by a qualified dental surgeon using appropriate instruments and anaesthesia to ensure comfort and minimise pain.
Dental implants Wrocław? Check our offer
Dental implantology is a modern field thanks to which we can restore the aesthetics of a smile and the proper function of the occlusion and oral cavity in patients after tooth extraction. We use innovative methods and materials to ensure that a tooth implant perfectly mimics natural teeth in terms of both appearance and aesthetics, as well as function.
What are dental implants and what do they look like?
They are permanent solutions that are used to replace lost teeth. They consist of a screw that is implanted in the jawbone and a dental crown, which is attached to the implant and acts as a replacement tooth.
At Milanova® Clinic, we know that dental implants are an effective solution for missing teeth because they allow you to restore your chewing function, the aesthetics of your smile and prevent the loss of jawbone. At the same time, they are very durable and can serve you for many years or even for the rest of your life.
However, not every patient may be a suitable candidate for dental implants. We invite you to a consultation, during which we will assess your individual needs and develop a treatment plan.
Swiss-made Thommen Medical implants
Swiss Thommen Implant Medical imp lants are a state-of-the-art solution that guarantees excellent clinical and aesthetic results. They enable the selection of an optimal size and shape tailored individually to the condition and anatomy of the patient’s bones, joints and soft tissues. They are also distinguished by their ease of clinical application, so that the implant procedure can be performed with fewer procedures, increasing comfort and safety. Thommen Implant Medical implants also have the world’s smallest abutment screw.
Implants – the all on 4 method
The all on 4 method is an innovative technique with which we can restore your entire dentition in one day. We place 4 implants in the maxilla and/or mandible. The all-on-4 implant-supported denture is designed especially for patients with large missing teeth. All-on-4 implants look and function like natural teeth, giving you back your dream smile and full functionality.
Implants – all-on-6 method
All-on-6 is an innovative method of treating toothlessness. It requires only 6 implants, thanks to which we can rebuild as many as 14 teeth in one arch. At the initial consultation, we select implants to replicate your natural teeth. Then, in just one visit and one treatment, we are able to restore the aesthetics of your smile and the full functionality of your bite. Dentures on 6 implants are a modern, fast and painless solution for people with large gaps in the dental arch.
Root resection Wrocław? The specialists from Milanova® Clinic will help.
What is a tooth resection? It is a dental surgery procedure by which we get rid of infected tissue from the root of a tooth that causes inflammation and pain. A root tip resection involves removing a section of the tooth root tip and nearby inflamed tissue.
At Milanova® Clinic, we perform a root tip resection to preserve the tooth and avoid extraction. It is a relatively minimally invasive procedure that can help save a tooth that would otherwise have to be extracted. This procedure is usually performed in cases where root canal treatment (endodontics) has not been successful or when it can no longer be continued.
Before the procedure, we administer local anaesthesia, making the procedure painless. Finally, the root canal is sealed with a special filling to prevent bacteria from entering, and the bone defect is filled and secured. Thanks to the use of computed tomography at the qualifying appointment, our surgeons are able to perform the procedure very precisely.
Periodontal disease treatment Wrocław? Get rid of pain with us
Periodontaldiseases, including periodontitis and gum disease, pose a serious threat to oral health and even to the whole body. Gingivitis is a condition in which the gums become red, swollen and prone to bleeding when you brush your teeth or apply pressure. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more advanced periodontal disease, known as periodontitis. Our specialists, with access to specialised products and equipment, effectively treat periodontitis, for example, through a surgical procedure such as covering gingival recessions, i.e. excessively receded gums from the teeth, which, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loosening and subsequent tooth loss.